Token and NFT Airdrops

Astro Pass leverages the power of decentralized incentives to engage users and reward their active participation within the TON ecosystem. The token and NFT airdrop mechanism is designed to recognize and incentivize users based on their Astro Index scores, ensuring that the most engaged and valuable participants receive appropriate rewards. Below are the details of how these airdrops work and the criteria for receiving them.

Mechanism of Token and NFT Airdrops Based on Astro Index

  1. Astro Index Calculation:

    • The Astro Index is a comprehensive data score that evaluates users based on their activity and behavior on Telegram and other components within the TON ecosystem. The index is updated continuously to reflect the user's current engagement and contribution levels.

  2. Airdrop Distribution:

    • Periodically, the Astro Pass system initiates token and NFT airdrops to users based on their Astro Index scores. The distribution process involves smart contracts deployed on the TON blockchain, ensuring transparency, security, and automation.

  3. Proportional Allocation:

    • The number of tokens and NFTs a user receives is proportional to their Astro Index score. Users with higher scores receive more substantial rewards, incentivizing active participation and higher engagement within the ecosystem.

  4. Randomized Rewards:

    • To maintain excitement and unpredictability, some airdrops include a randomized element. This means that even users with lower Astro Index scores have a chance to receive rare or valuable NFTs, encouraging continuous participation from all users.

  5. Automated Smart Contracts:

    • Smart contracts automate the airdrop process, handling the distribution of tokens and NFTs without manual intervention. These contracts are executed on the TON blockchain, ensuring that the airdrops are secure, transparent, and immutable.

Criteria for Receiving Rewards

  1. Activity on Telegram:

    • Users must actively participate in Telegram groups and channels associated with the TON ecosystem. The frequency and quality of interactions, such as messages sent, replies, and reactions, are crucial factors in determining the Astro Index score.

  2. Engagement with TON dApps:

    • Active use of decentralized applications (dApps) within the TON ecosystem contributes positively to the Astro Index. This includes engaging with services, completing transactions, and utilizing TON-based features.

  3. Consistency and Longevity:

    • Sustained engagement over time is rewarded. Users who consistently participate and contribute to the ecosystem are more likely to have higher Astro Index scores, making them eligible for larger and more frequent airdrops.

  4. Contribution to Community:

    • Contributions such as creating content, participating in discussions, and helping other community members are valuable activities that enhance a user’s Astro Index score.

  5. Security and Compliance:

    • Users must comply with the security guidelines and terms of service of Astro Pass and the TON ecosystem. Activities that breach security protocols or involve fraudulent behavior are penalized, affecting the Astro Index negatively.

  6. Verification and Authenticity:

    • Only verified users with authentic profiles are eligible for rewards. The system ensures that all participants are genuine, preventing the misuse of the airdrop mechanism.

By aligning incentives with active and positive engagement, Astro Pass ensures that users are continuously motivated to participate in the TON ecosystem. The token and NFT airdrops not only reward current contributions but also encourage ongoing involvement, fostering a vibrant and dynamic community.

Last updated